In questo distretto, declinato nei diversi canali distributivi, si muove una costellazione di appuntamenti, alcuni leader nel mondo. Marchi di peso per lo sviluppo del mercato.Sigep,Beer&Food Attraction, BBTech Expo e Cosmofood rappresentano ed esportano una ricchezza imbattibile del Made in Italy, come nel caso dei mercati asiatici con Sigep China, Sigep Asia, Restaurant Asia, Speciality Food & Drink Asia, Speciality Coffee & Tea Asia e Food2Go.

In this sector, covering the various distribution channels, there is a galaxy of expo events, several of which are world leaders. Key brands for the development of the market. Sigep, Beer&Food Attraction, BBTech Expo and Cosmofood represent and export unbeatable richness Made in Italy, as in the case of the Asian markets with Sigep China, Sigep Asia, Restaurant Asia, Speciality Food & Drink Asia, Speciality Coffee & Tea Asia and Food2Go.

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