La Event & Conference Division di IEG, si occupa dell’area e attività congressuali su Rimini e Vicenza. Fa capo alla Divisione anche la gestione del business indiretto, ovvero degli eventi e manifestazioni di organizzatori terzi nelle diverse sedi del Gruppo. Inoltre La Event & Conference Division di IEG, a Rimini, agisce come Convention Bureau territoriale, promuovendo la destinazione sui mercati congressuali nazionali ed esteri e fungendo da coordinamento per tutti gli attori della filiera.
IEG’s Event & Conference Division is responsible for the conference areas and the activities carried out within both in Rimini and Vicenza. The Division also oversees the management of indirect business, i.e., the events and exhibitions of third-party organisers in the Group’s various venues. Moreover, in Rimini, IEG’s Event & Conference Division serves as a territorial Convention Bureau, promoting the destination on national and foreign conference markets and acting as a coordinator for all the industry’s players.
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